Be the change you want to see in the world. ~ Ghandi

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So Simple

So, if you are not able to donate your hard earned money this year (totally understandable! It's been a tough year!) Then, may I suggest this awesome website that allows you to continue to donate, but you don't have to pay a dime!
iGive is a GREAT way to donate to our organization. iGive is a very simple browser app. It tells stores that you want a percentage of every purchase you make online donated to your cause or charity...AT NO COST TO YOU!
I just hooked my mom up with the app, unfortunately right after cyber Monday...and after she had already done a lot of her online shopping for Christmas and winter birthdays. But, the great thing was, that she was easily able to sign-up and she said "If a 65 year-old can figure it out, it must be simple!"
Here is our customized link to get you started:

Please consider joining up for this super easy app! :)

Thanks as always-


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